Whilst our services may be delivered to you with the best of intentions, we may at times have to improve our game to ensure we’re meeting your needs, not ours.
If at any time you believe we could have done our job better; whether it be how we spoke to you, what we did or what we didn’t do, please let us know. We take your feedback seriously and will deal with your concerns with the strictest of confidence.
You can let us know by calling us, writing an email or sending us a letter. Alternatively, you can ask someone you trust to speak to us on your behalf.
Depending on the seriousness of your complaint, we may ask for you to write down your concerns as the process involved may require a more formal response. For example, if your complaint may result in a staff member facing disciplinary action, this will require a written statement and may require a follow-up meeting to verify some of the details.
Some matters may need to be referred directly to the police or another agency for their follow-up.
Sunshine Specialist Supports will acknowledge receipt of your concerns within two working days, and will outline the steps we will take in response to your complaint. We will tell you then how long we believe your complaint will take to resolve in our acknowledgment correspondence.
Sunshine Specialist Supports will endeavour to learn from our mistakes by improving the way we do things in the future and we’re happy to be guided by you on how we can improve our services.
We are also happy to hear from you if you believe we’ve done a great job. We will always strive to provide you with the best possible service and it will help us greatly to continue to improve our service delivery if you tell us what you think of our services.
You can lodge your complaint or compliment in any of the following ways:
by calling me on 0412 080 494
sending me an email on [email protected]
If you are not comfortable with the idea of lodging a complaint directly to us, you can either ask another person to lodge it on your behalf, via the channels above, or you can lodge it anonymously by sending a written complaint to PO Box 9092, Pacific Paradise QLD 4564 or by contacting the NDIS Commission (see below for details).
If you are not happy with how your complaint was handled, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Complaints team on 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission online via the following link: ndiscommission.
If you are still not satisfied by this response you can contact the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman for an external review on this link: www.ombudsman.gov.au/making-a-complaint